Hello, I am Denisha

My passion for photography started in middle school. My mom gave me her old digital camera when I was in the 7th grade. I took pictures all day long so I could post on Myspace and tag my classmates. From that moment on, I always had people asking do I have old photos of them. 90% of the time I did, especially when I got to high school. My 11th grade year I was on the yearbook staff and carried a camera around everywhere I went. During college I never owned a camera but still took endless pictures because I wanted memories to one day show to my kids, grandkids, etc. 3 years after graduating college I decided to invest in my 1st DSLR camera (REAL DEAL) lol! I'm still learning and perfecting my craft but I absolutely love being the girl behind the camera getting your best angles and making sure to capture priceless moments you don't expect. My mission for The Light of Life Photography is to capture the light that shines inside of each of us. Sometimes we often feel like our light is not there but my job is to help you to see the light you once thought was gone, through photos.

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12


“Client review”

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